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Work item not found error in distributed SCM of RTC

Facing following error while trying to accept the change from remote stream to current stream in distributed SCM model.
any idea about following error ?
MESSAGE CRJAZ0215I The following record was not found in the database: com.ibm.team.scm.common.internal.impl.WorkspaceHandleImpl@64c864c8 (stateId: null, itemId: [UUID _WbnKYAeBEeK7C6NNWmSK6w], origin: com.ibm.team.repository.client.internal.TeamRepository@33903390, immutable: <unset>)
com.ibm.team.repository.common.ItemNotFoundException: CRJAZ0215I The following record was not found in the database: com.ibm.team.scm.common.internal.impl.WorkspaceHandleImpl@64c864c8 (stateId: null, itemId: [UUID _WbnKYAeBEeK7C6NNWmSK6w], origin: com.ibm.team.repository.client.internal.TeamRepository@33903390, immutable: <unset>)
at com.ibm.team.scm.client.internal.WorkspaceManager.getWorkspaceConnection(WorkspaceManager.java:824)
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.internal.snapshot.WorkspaceId.getConnection(WorkspaceId.java:62)
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.internal.snapshot.WorkspaceId.createSnapshot(WorkspaceId.java:36)
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.internal.snapshot.SnapshotId.getSnapshot(SnapshotId.java:55)
at com.ibm.team.internal.filesystem.ui.views.structuralchanges.StructuralChangesView$23.repositoryRun(StructuralChangesView.java:646)
at com.ibm.team.repository.rcp.ui.operations.RepositoryOperation.run(RepositoryOperation.java:43)
at com.ibm.team.repository.rcp.ui.operations.LoggedInRunner$QueuedOperation.run(LoggedInRunner.java:64)
The actual Error in process advisor is, missing work-item.
However work-item is very much accessible from any of the CCMs.
2 answers

Hi Vivek,
Verify the Workitem assoicated to the change set you are accepting, that workitem could be deleted.
1) use the Jazz admin acocunt to associate new workitem or accpet the changes.
In case if ur using 3.0.x.x version please refer the below link.
Please let me know does it useful.
Verify the Workitem assoicated to the change set you are accepting, that workitem could be deleted.
1) use the Jazz admin acocunt to associate new workitem or accpet the changes.
In case if ur using 3.0.x.x version please refer the below link.
Please let me know does it useful.

WRT the "missing work item" process error, in the Process Configuration for the project area that owns the stream, is the process Precondition actually named "Change set requires attached work-item" ? In 4.0.5, that process Precondition is called "Descriptive Change Sets". And in particular, you are given the choice of requiring that the change set have a "work item" link (which can only be used to connect a change set in one repository to a work item in the same repository), that the change set have a "change request" link (which can be used to connect a change set in one repository to a work item in a different repository), or either. In your case, a "change request" link is being used (since the replicated change set will be linked to the work item in the original repository). So one explanation would be that your process is requiring a "work item" link, when what you have is a "change request" link.
But I don't know what would be causing the "record not found in database" error. Where did you get that stack trace from? Was it in a pop-up error message when you tried to do the Accept, or was it in the Eclipse "Error Log" view? If it is from the Error Log view, did you check the time stamp to verify it was an error from the Accept command?
But I don't know what would be causing the "record not found in database" error. Where did you get that stack trace from? Was it in a pop-up error message when you tried to do the Accept, or was it in the Eclipse "Error Log" view? If it is from the Error Log view, did you check the time stamp to verify it was an error from the Accept command?

Thanks Geoff ! yes, I referred to "descriptive change set" process behavior only.
This error is indeed from Accept operation & also seen in.metadata/.log file.
But the process advisor also display the same error message of
com.ibm.team.repository.common.ItemNotFoundException: CRJAZ0215I The following record was not found in the database: com.ibm.team.scm.common.internal.impl.WorkspaceHandleImpl@64c864c8 (stateId: null, itemId: [UUID _WbnKYAeBEeK7C6NNWmSK6w], origin: com.ibm.team.repository.client.internal.TeamRepository@33903390, immutable: <unset>)

What are you trying to accept ... a single change set, or a baseline that contains a number of change sets? You'll want to narrow it down to a single change set that causes the error, and then navigate to the work item associated with that change set, to see if there is anything unusual about that work item.
sam detweiler
Dec 23 '13, 12:15 p.m.I do not have the answer, but what RTC version are the two systems?
Vivek Pandey
Dec 25 '13, 11:08 p.m.Hi Sam,
sam detweiler
Dec 26 '13, 7:18 a.m.you cannot link to workitems across CCM's. so I would guess that is the problem.