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Shared queries folder on the Web UI not showing folder

John S F Lander (901942) | asked Mar 03 '09, 9:41 a.m.
On the eclipse client under the following folders Work Items > Shared Queries > DevSupport Team(Main Development) there are a list of created queries.
This is not seen on the Project Area then Work Item option on the Web UI under Shared Queries.
As I understand these are set up under the Team Area under each project and to see them on the Web UI you have to add each user to this team area to see the folder and queries.
Is this correct because you do see these folders under Shared Queries and I would expect to see the same set on the Web UI - this would also apply as to why I can see on the eclipse client and not the Web UI.
Is there any issues of adding users to the Team area where no one is currently set up.

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