Is there away to automatically map requirements to test cases while uploading test cases through excel importer plug in ?
Accepted answer
Clicking on the menu option ‘RQM > Export to Repository’ and check the "Linking to existing RM requirement" check box.
press "Export" button, then "RM login information" dialog will display, input the correct RM server information then press "Export", the following Requirement links dialog will display.
1. "RQM test artifact" list will list all the testcases and testplans that created from the excel file.
2. "Search Box" provides a search function either by requirement id or text contained in the requirement title.
3. "Requirement and requirement collection check box" - when "Show requirement" is checked only requirement artifact will be listed, and when "Show requirement collection" is checked, only requirement collection will be listed, and when testcase in "RQM test artifact" list is selected, the default list will be requirement, and when testplan in "RQM test artifact" list is selected the requirement collection will listed by default.
4. "Requirement / requirement collection list" will list the requirements that in the search result, if no text is entered in the search box, all requirements will list by default.
5. "Add" button, will add requirement to the "Linked RM requirement artifact" list, before pressing "Add" button, one test artifact must be selected, and one or more requirement must be selected, and the selected requirements will be associcated with the test artifact selected.
6. "linked RM requirement artifact list" will list the associated requirement artifacts with the test artifact selected.
7. "Remove" button, will remove the requirement artifact from the "linked RM requirement artifact list".
there are some restrictions, e.g. requirement should not be added to testplan, and requirement collections should not be added to testcase, and one requirement should not be added to test artifact more than once, and and press "Add" button, one test artifact must be selected and one or more requirement artifacts must be selected.
If the restriction is not met, then error message will display.
one or more requirement artifacts can be associcated with one test artifact.
Thanks a lot Ma Chi on supporting me on this .As you mentioned her , I clicked on export button after selecting “Linking to existing RM requirement” but I am not getting the screen which you have given here . Below is the screen which is displayed for me
PFB below are the steps which I am following
1. Test cases and requirements are completed on Excel format (Same sheet ). These are newly created test cases and requirements are available in Requisite pro. I have mapped all the requirements to an existing test plan by using option given in the “Requirement section” of test plan manually .(Not sure this is required )2) Now going to Excel and click on Export to Repository option .I got Model widow as usual
1. Entered login credentials , Project , “Linking to existing RM requirement” option and click on Export button
2. I got a window as below , Here I cannot enter anything except login credentials
Not Able to place screen shot ..
Should I Need any specific access on RM? Or the way I am trying is wrong ?.. Please help me on this
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