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Custom attribute of type iteration on Plan Views

Chris Thompson (11268) | asked Nov 29 '13, 8:19 a.m.
We have specified a Custom Attribute (Proposed) of type Iteration and want to be able to use this in a similar way to the built-in Planned For attribute in Plan Views.

In the Eclipse Client I can add the attribute to the Planning Attributes but I am not able to add it to Plan View Elements - Groupings or Sorting - it is possible to Group and Sort on the built-in attribute of type Iteration

It is also not possible to edit the Custom Attribute in-place in a Plan View on the web client (it is possible to edit the built-in attribute of type Iteration in a Plan View)

Is there any way to achieve this? e.g. by editing the XML process definition?

sam detweiler commented Nov 29 '13, 9:05 a.m.

what RTC version are u on? I know there were some enhancements for custom attributes in V4..

Kot T. commented Nov 29 '13, 1:01 p.m.

Chris Thompson commented Dec 02 '13, 11:59 a.m.

We are on version 4.0.6 M1 (on

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