RQM Excel Importer : Unable to populate Custom Attribute for Test Script
I have a custom attribute called 'Pre-Condition' for a Test Script in RQM 4.0.3.
I am using the RQM Excel Importer and the excel sheet has the Pre-Condition field populated with data. After running the Importer the Pre-Condition field is not being populated in RQM.
I am using the syntax as follows in the CFG file.
Is this the correct syntax for Custom attribute for a Testscript? Please let me know.
2 answers
Hi Niranjan,
Here is the code which I have used while importing pre-condition from excel and it worked. ( highlighted in Bold)
// test case defined with definite cell locations
testcase.alm:state xmlns:alm="http://jazz.net/xmlns/alm/v0.1/"=A5
testcase.category term="Class".value=D5
testcase.category term="Module".value=A3
testcase.category term="Level".value=D7
testcase.category term="Phase".value=B5
testcase.category term="Designer".value=A7
testcase.category term="Creation Date".value=B7
if we have 2 customAttributes testcaseCustomAttribute1 , and testcaseCustomAttribute1 in one testcase, the customAttributes testcaseCustomAttribute1 and testcaseCustomAttribute2 should be created in RQM UI before running the RQM Excel Importer.
we can config the .cfg file like
put identifier in Excel Cell M3 and name in Cell N3 and type in Cell M4.
testcase.customAttributes identifier=M3.name=N3.type=M4.value=O
or using
testcase.customAttributes identifier="
put identifier in Excel Cell Q3 and name in Cell R3
, if type isn't specified, the "SMALL_STRING" is by default.
testcase.customAttributes identifier=Q3.name=R3.value=Q
you can find a example in the RQM Importer installation directory.For example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RQMExcelImporterX64\Samples
sample TestCases 001 with custom attributes.xls and TestCases 001 with custom attributes.cfg will show you how to format it.