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Restricting Workitems across different Project Teams.

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Nov 07 '13, 8:21 a.m.
One of the Project Team has approached us.Their requirement is such a way that workitems created for one team should not be visible to others ?

Is this possible in RQM / RTC ?

My Suggestion was:

For a project area Work items will be visible for all the members.

We can put a restriction based on team areas where in a user belonging to TeamArea1 wont be able to modify a WI assigned to another user who belongs to TeamArea2.

Let me know if anyone had such a request.

Accepted answer

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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Nov 07 '13, 9:16 a.m.
Geoffrey Clemm selected this answer as the correct answer

sam detweiler commented Nov 07 '13, 9:30 a.m.

yes, sorry, forgot about that..   this kind of detail level config gets tedious when you have a lot of projects with continual team area maint.

One other answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 07 '13, 8:32 a.m.
for RTC, inside the same project you cannot prevent view..  you can prevent change via the permissions settings. (so that only a team member can save).

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