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manage string in RRDI

Elena Purice (111) | asked Nov 05 '13, 12:16 p.m.
Hi all,
I have need your help to understand in RRDI if it is possible to manage a string.
For e.g.: I have the field buildresult="CIAO:1234|ADDIO:5678" and I have need create a string that contains only CIAO - ADDIO and another string with 1234 - 5678.
But I don't know the length the field buildresult because it is enhanced from apposite work item

Could you help me?


Best Regards,


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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Nov 05 '13, 2:34 p.m.
Hi, I would recommend using the 'substring' and 'postition' functions to create new Data Items with your results.

To get the data after the '|' character, use something like this:
substring([BuildResult], (position ('|', [BuildResult])))

To get the data before the '|' character, use something like this:
substring([BuildResult], 1, (position ('|', [BuildResult])))

This may not work exactly as-is so you might need to tweak as I quickly wrote up an example, but hopefully this will point you in the right direction.

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