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what all files to be updated while moving the SQL CLM databases from one server to another

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Oct 08 '14, 11:06 a.m.
We are currently running CLM 4.0.6 (distributed topology) (jts+ccm+qm+rm) on separate servers
- Plan to migrate to CLM 5.0.1.
- Got to know that CLM 5.0.1 is not compatible with SQL 2008 R2 hence the DBA will be moving the databases to a different server running 2012 instance.
- Once the Databases are moved before running the upgrade scripts what all files need to updated with the new database server information (JDBC Location).  also the password details as well.

Note: Mostly the database server name will get changed.

Does this effect running the upgrade scripts ?   Based on the above scenario are there any best practices to be followed.

Accepted answer

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Oct 08 '14, 12:55 p.m.
Hi Anoop,

The database connection string and password information is in the file.   You will need to update this for all the applications.

Please note, in 4.x RM doesn't have it's own file as it uses the JTS database.  Starting in 5.0, RM will require it's own database.  You will need to make a copy of the JTS database prior to running the upgrade scripts.  This is documented in the 5.0.1 interactive upgrade guide.

I hope this helps.

anoop mc selected this answer as the correct answer

anoop mc commented Oct 22 '14, 2:34 a.m.
cd RM_5.0.1_Install_Dir\server
repotools-rm.bat -migration_rm_updateConfigurationFiles oldApplicationHome=RM_4.0.6_install_dir\server\conf ignoreJTSVersionCheck

4 other answers

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k23677) | answered Oct 08 '14, 1:41 p.m.

Hi Anoop,

Please find the link below for steps.

Migrating CLM to a New Environment



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anoop mc (74811200221) | answered Oct 09 '14, 10:59 p.m.
 One another clarification I would require is about the password information present in the file.[wXpx+K8Pp1WqhIZHiC9JRg\=\=][wXpx+K8Pp1WqhIZHiC9JRg\=\=]

If we keep the same password as we used in the previous should we be updating it again. Because the server name gets changed and we will have to update with the new details.<new Server Name>\\SQLA\:1433;databaseName\=RQM;user\=rqmDBuser;password\={password}

Erica Tran commented Oct 20 '14, 9:01 a.m. | edited Oct 20 '14, 9:02 a.m.

If the password remains the same, the password in the files does not need to change.  If you do need to change the password, you can type the password in plain text in the file. 

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anoop mc (74811200221) | answered Oct 17 '14, 9:08 p.m.

Another question I have is - Here in our case the database server name changes (it will be different for CLM 501 when compared with the existing 406.

So what about copying the Table Space folder from the existing SQL Server instance (2008 R2) to SQL 2012.

Currently while configuring the JAZZ Application we have specified the table space folder location as 

Database Table Space Folder: W:\SQL01\MSSQL$SQLA\DATA\  

My question  here is do we need to copy all the data from the above location to the new table space location on SQL Server 2012 instance.

anoop mc commented Oct 22 '14, 2:32 a.m.

 Having tested this out from the SQL Server database side I can see the table space folder getting copied once we do a DB restore. 

It might change - How to find is to right click on the database folder and check the properties in the options you will find the tablespace folder path.

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RTC User Prime (215) | answered Apr 04 '22, 9:58 a.m.



The same question for Version: 6.0.5
Build Information Version Build ID
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 6.0.5 RJF-SERVER-I20171103-1833

Anything else to be taken care of ?
  1. Changes in the Advance Properties 
  2. Changes in the files <Install_directory>\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\<application>\

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 04 '22, 10:15 a.m. | edited Apr 04 '22, 10:17 a.m.

 This question is answered and accepted EIGHT years ago.

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You can look into the product documentation where server rename and backup are documented.

RTC User Prime commented Apr 04 '22, 10:20 a.m.

Sure. Ralph. 

To avoid Duplicate, wanted to make use of the same / existing question.


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