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Gantt chart in RTC

SMitha kumari (245254) | asked Nov 05 '13, 4:18 a.m.
retagged Nov 05 '13, 5:02 a.m. by Aradhya K (1.4k54345)

Hi Team,

I was trying to plan my project in RTC. If the release dates are from Oct 15 to Dec 15th along with tasks and planned start date and end.. gantt chart always shows from as of today. It is not inline with release dates.. How to align this inline with MPP.


2 answers

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vishnudharan manivannan (1183742) | answered Nov 05 '13, 4:31 a.m.
Hi Smitha,

The reason the planned start and end dates are taking from today is because the values in the planned snapshots are the ones calculated by the scheduler.

Currently RTC does not schedule the work items for past days and the Plan Scheduler will schedule the work from today.

Hence try changing the dates to future dates and I'm sure you should be able to see the dates align with MPP.

Note : It is always better to take the snapshot before the Iteration starts.

Hope that helps.

Vishnu M

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SMitha kumari (245254) | answered Nov 05 '13, 6:12 a.m.

ok. I have planned the activities from Oct 28 & that day i had taken planned snapshot and freezed the plan. After taking snap shot only planned start date and end date will reflect in work item. Based on that it should show gantt chart from Oct 28th, not from today. Is their any seetings or type of snap shot is linked to this.


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