Request to export test work item template from one RTC Project area in A server to another RTC Project area in B server
One answer
You can export and import work item templates using the Eclipse client. Use File>Export look for the Work Item Template wizard and export. On the other repository you should be able to import the exported template.
Hi Ralph,
I just created a template, then exported it, renamed in the XML and followed: to import it. I then refreshed my view on the Process Configuration>Project Configuration>Configuration Data>Work Items>Templates and the imported template showed up. I could use it in Eclipse immediately after that.
Please note, my template had references to repository items and would have to be refined to work on other project areas as described in
"An XML file specifying the template in a valid format is required. See for details about the file format."
You have to be connected to the other repository with an eclipse client and select the target project area, if you import a template.
And it's the entire template of all workitem types. You cannot just get the defect workitem.