RQM Categories: How large can the list be?
We'll have a Category with a child subcategory.
There are
120 parent category entries
1200 child category entries
1400 parent-child combo's (obviously not much reuse of entries in the child list)
Has this been proven out? What's the largest Category Type RQM can support?
Thanks in advance
Alexander Dawson
Accepted answer
In RQM, there is a 50 category limit.
Is that limit the highest supported amount? Or does it cut off and refuse additional entries?
RQM will not permit creating more than 50 categories (displays an error message).
In the GUI they refer to these as Category Values, I've already gone through 50 on some of these.
So my question is...for example, if I create a Category of Ice Cream Flavors, how many flavors we have?
-- ....... ?
I've never seen an error message (in 4.0.1).
The limitation is on the number of category types (e.g. Flavor). You can have an unlimited number of category values.
Note, archived/deleted category types count toward this limit. For example, if you have 30 active category types and 20 archived category types, the limit is reached.
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