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How do I find the history of categories in RQM 4.0.6?

Wendy Murphy (1512633) | asked Jun 26 '14, 9:22 a.m.
How do I find the history of activity for Categories in RQM. We have several users with the ability to add, delete modify the category values. I cannot find a place to track the changes by user. The history within the application state that it does not track the categories. Any suggestions we need an audit trail of who, when these executions are initiated.

Lily Wang commented Jun 27 '14, 9:27 p.m.

Hi Wendy,
I don't think the function is available in RQM now. You may need to submit an enhancement request in Quality Manager

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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Jun 30 '14, 1:02 a.m.
Hi Wendy

Tracking Work Item Categories history is still to be implemented in future releases.
You can subscribe to the below RFE:
Track work item category changes in history tab (251101)


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