How to get last logged in time for all contributors using java api?

One answer


Tomcat shows authenticated ID in access logs (if you configure the right Valve). WebSphere can do access logs, but they're absent the authenticated ID (NCSA Http logs).
Neither are available to "end users" only admins of the respective server (in the O/S sense). Some of our access logs have millions of entries per day and it's not obvious what "GET" activity corresponds to the actual login. I do see things like (stripped down)
GET /jazz/authenticated/identity?redirectPath=%2Fjazz%2Fjauth-issue-token HTTP/1.1" 302 -
"POST /jazz/jauth-issue-token HTTP/1.1" 200 32

HI Kevin,
Thanks for the response.
I am using RTC When I tried above url I end up with Resource unavailable error. I have tried above url and also changed according my requirement(https://servername:port/authenticated/identity?redirectPath=/ccm/jauth-issue-token) but doesn't work
Could you please let me what url should I use to get it work?
As you said above Tomcat shows authenticated ID in access logs (if you configure the right Valve)- What configuration I need to do to get lost login time data. Snippet code/Script will be helpful.
Thanks in advance