How to delete unused file to free up CCM tablespace
Some of the projects have very large codebase (thousands of files) and our DB kept running into out-of-space issue. I am looking for a way delete the old, unused source files to free up the tablespace. I read the article but it only covers how to delete content with individual file. Is there a way to to delete the contents of ALL the files that were added under a changeset (the one that initially loads the files to repository)?
2 answers
Hi Kevin.
RTC will not let you delete files or file history once you've checked them in - you can only delete the content of individual file versions. Have you run a "Latest Metrics by Namespace" report to verify that it's file content and not something else (build results, attachments, etc.) taking up so much space?
I found a "solution" to delete the contents of ALL the files in a component. I used the option "-j" (scm history -w streamUUID -c "componentName" -j) to output the component history in the JSON format (I hate the "scm list states" command since it run so slow), which has the "uuid" and "stateID" for each change. I then wrote a Java program to parse the history JSON file and grab "uuid" and "stateID" pairs for each change and produce the "scm delete state-content uuid stateID" command. I know this is not pretty (and very slow since the files need to be deleted one by one and I have 40K+ files), but it seems working for me at the moment.
I really hope IBM provides a solution to remove/archive the unused source code to save the DB space.