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RQM to 4.0.3: Test suites no longer pass build record to contained test cases

Stephen Carty (312) | asked Oct 24 '13, 9:38 a.m.
Recently Upgraded from CLM to 4.0.3.
When test suites are executed with a build record assigned, contained test cases no longer have their build record assigned.
The test cases run command line adapter scripts which require build information to know what to test.
How can I kick off autotest using a test suite with a build record assigned?
Is there a new setting that needs to be changed to re enable passing build records to child test cases?

I found this but cannot find out when this functionality will be restored or what the workaround is for 4.0.3.

Accepted answer

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Jing Qian (12632) | answered Oct 25 '13, 3:45 p.m.
Stephen Carty selected this answer as the correct answer

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