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Calculated value script using checkboxes values

Tayane Fernandes (251216) | asked Oct 23 '13, 4:22 p.m.
edited Oct 23 '13, 4:23 p.m.
Hello !
I need to get the enumeration values with checkboxes. I need to get all the values ​​that are checked, but the code below does not work, because returns null.
var complexidade = workItem.getValue("criteriosPriorizacao"); 

The xml is as follows :

<enumeration attributeTypeId="criteriosPriorizacao" name="Critérios de Priorização">
   <literal externalValue="6" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l1" name="CheckBox 1"/>
   <literal externalValue="5" icon="processattachment:/enumeration/critical.gif" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l3" name="CheckBox 2"/>
   <literal externalValue="4" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l4" name="CheckBox 3"/>
   <literal externalValue="3" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l5" name="CheckBox 4"/>
   <literal externalValue="2" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l6" name="CheckBox 5"/>
   <literal externalValue="1" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l7" name="CheckBox 6"/>
   <literal default="true" externalValue="0" icon="" id="criteriosPriorizacao.literal.l2" name="Nenhum"/>

How do I get the checkboxes that are checked?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Oct 25 '13, 9:26 p.m.
This article: indicates that there is limited support for working with enumerations via the JavaScript API. Further down in that article there is a section on working with enumerations:

I'm not certain, but the name on that second one may be problematic: "name="&lt;span style=" line-height:="" 1.5;"="">CheckBox 2"/>"

Tayane Fernandes selected this answer as the correct answer

Tayane Fernandes commented Oct 28 '13, 6:52 a.m.

Thank you!

The xml is correct in my code, must have been some mistake when I pasted it here.

Millard Ellingsworth commented Nov 18 '13, 8:39 p.m.

I just finished up an article that may help: 

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