Update expected result in manual test case using keywords
we have a manual test script. The steps in manual test script are associated with keyword.
This manual test script is then associated with test case.
When test case is executed, adapter invokes the application.
we want to post the result of the execution and update execution page. I am able to update the progress bar on the execution page but we are not able to get any service on how to update the actual and expected result in script steps through code.
Is there any service to so?
2 answers
Thanks for the reply. Will try your suggestion.
1 vote
Hi Sunil,
I tried this. But in my case it is is manual test script and each step is associated with keyword. I need to update the result of each step. I am getting all executed test cases result using the above URL. In my case the execution is not yet complete. So is there any other way to do the same?
Hello Uma,
Is the XML of execution result gets updated after executing every step in manual test case? Or it will be updated after the execution completes?
Uma, the execution result gets updated step-by-step. I viewed the XML of a TCER which is "In Progress" and just 1 of 5 steps executed (containing keywords) and found that the execution result view shows the step which is complete, but not the steps which are not executed yet.
Thanks, Will try this again
Hi Sunil,
I tried to execute the test case that contains manual test script. However during execution of the particular test case, corresponding entry for manual test case is not visible in the output of http get on URL
Can you please explain me the step by step process to get the execution result URL. On my end I am getting a different execution result URL.
Is there any standard documentation available which I can refer?
Uma, There is a step-by-step approach I have detailed in my first response on this thread.
Best Regards, Sunil