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OSLC query to retrieve the requirement id of the defect associated with the test case

Arjun Pande (3814) | asked May 25 '15, 5:28 a.m.

Hi ,

I was trying to retrive the requirement id of the defect which is associated with the test case . I am not sure whether this kind of query exists.

I am able to fetch all the test cases from QM application from the below query:

But I need to find the requirement which is associated with the test case. Lets take an example a Defect is associated with the test case. I need id of the defect with a query

Can anyone help?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 25 '15, 11:50 a.m.
A couple of comments:

-I don't understand 'requirement id of the defect'.
-Your example is using the RQM Reportable REST API and not the RQM OSLC API.
-If you are using the RQM Reportable REST API, you'll need to use the calmlinks=true request parameter.
-If you are using the RQM OSLC API, see the relationship properties under

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