Why do I get save conflict while saving plan - "Time remaining is not valid"?
2 answers
Hello Andy, Could you please advise how you have modified work plan before saving? Know what you have changed might provide some hint for the error.
I didn't make any structure changes (e.g., ranking or parent-child relationships), I was primarily changing remaining time and corrected estimates. For example, I was probably increasing the corrected estimates and increasing remaining time.
I haven't gone back in a couple days and now I'm making the same saves and not having any issues so maybe it was a fluke.
- Andy
You might take a look at this work item and see if your answer is in comment 11 :
What version of CLM are you using?
What version of CLM are you using?
Thanks for the tip but it doesn't look like my scenario other than, perhaps, the generic case of my "corrected estimates" somehow not placing nicely with my "remaining time". I'm pretty sure the corrected estimate and remaining times were consistent, i.e., had the appropriate integrity but that WI link makes me wonder if maybe I had corrected the time to say, "4h", with "6h" remaining.. .? I don't think I did that, but will try that scenario later today and see what happens.