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Editing process template to use configuration data delta

I'm using RTC 4.0.2 and trying to configure additional attribute for consuming project area according to this document:
4.0.2 client rejects to save edited xml. But RTC 4.0.4 do not even connect to repository with "version mismatch" error.
Any ideas hot to break this closed loop?
Accepted answer

One other answer

Since you are editing your project configuration directly through the XML, make sure your XML is formatted correctly since this will affect the save. That being said, what error are you seeing in the eclipse ui when you save? You can also look in your workspace in /metadata/ .log (workspace log file) for the error. This will help to determine how to resolve it.

Then "Editing of the XML should always be done in an RTC 4.0.4 or later Eclipse client" in document should be read as "Editing of the XML is recommended to be done in an RTC 4.0.4 or later Eclipse client with respect to client-server compatibility". Is it correct?

Save error in 4.0.2 client is:
This is due to restriction:
"If your consumer project area has already been customized by overriding the configuration data, then adding additional fine-grained customizations will not be possible."
Once I remove <configuration-data> element with this id (it's not effective anyway), it's OK