Have I upgraded or ??

I've tried to install a ver. 4.04 on Websphere 7.0 running on aix.
Previously it had a 4.02 running, which have been removed and the db2-databases have been droped, so it should be a rather clean WebSphere. Installation went OK, but when logging in to the ccm application (still without having created the tabels and run the setup-wizzard) and selecting the Help, and the "About" menu, it claims that is running on a 4.02 core.
So therefore my question - if it says it is on a 4.02, even though I would have expected it to say 4.04, have I then upgraded ? And if not - how do I get rid of the old version ??
Best regards
Claus Buch
Accepted answer

you have to remove the the WAR files before you uninstall. You have to do a side by side install of the new version and deploy the new war files. You also have to make sure that you change the JAZZ_HOME environment variable to the new install, before you deploy the new war files. There are also caches in WAS that should be deleted when removing the application's WAR files. Sometimes that might not work. See https://jazz.net/library/article/662 where we described these steps. It is for an older version, but the steps should be still accurate. There is also a troubleshooting section for what we have seen with WAS.

Hi Ralph
Thanks for your reply, seems to work allright. I did an uninstall of the 4 applications (jts,ccm,admin and clmhelp), stopped the server and then went trhroug the filesystem and removed all leftovers from the 4 applicatons. After that I started the server and did the install once more, so now it's a 4.04 system
Best regards
One other answer

If you are using local help, you should consider also upgrading local help content. See the following link: