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Question about moving changes from team stream to integration stream

Makson Lee (41044241) | asked Sep 27 '13, 11:41 a.m.
We have someone in a team to move changes from team stream to integration stream, but he is always complaining about that there are lot of conflicts need to be merged, but he is not the creator of the changes, so he don't know exactly about how to merge them.

Then, here is my question, is there some way we could let other team members help him to merge the conflicts in his workspace?

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Sep 27 '13, 1:46 p.m.
There's an interesting discussion here of a slightly different way to handle this responsibility.

And there are some standard questions: How often do you integrate? The longer the period, the trickier the merges can get. Do you have a good separation of concerns? I don't think you'd normally expect to have a lot of ugly merges between a Team and Integration stream. Are there particular files that different teams are all changing that should perhaps be factored out?

Makson Lee commented Sep 27 '13, 8:47 p.m.


Thanks for your reply, in our company, we integrate every day, and there are still some conflicts each time.

In the article you provided, release engineer still have to move changes from team green stream to integration stream, we would have same conflicts, right?

Currently, we are doing some process like the following, still a little complex, so i am wonder if the system can help us more?

  1. Have the one (USER A) who move the changes set the visibility of his workspace (WORKSPACE A) as public.
  2. Team members then create workspaces and set WORKSPACE A as target, by doing this, team members can see the same conflicts as USER A seen in WORKSPACE A.
  3. Team members merge their part of conflicts into changes in their workspace.
  4. Team members ask USER A to accept these changes into WORKSPACE A.

Millard Ellingsworth commented Sep 30 '13, 12:42 p.m.

It sounds like you have a reasonable process and integrate often. So it comes back to why are different teams working on the same files (causing regular and seemingly constant merge difficulties)? Do you need to adjust your component/module boundaries to alleviate that? Are there just a few files that are always involved? Other than the auto-resolve support in the merge tool, I'm not sure what else RTC can do to help with this.

Makson Lee commented Sep 30 '13, 10:50 p.m.

Even there is only one conflict, the release engineer may can help to coordinate merging, but i don't think he is responsible to merge, after all, he is not the one who create the conflicted versions.

Anyway, if the current system couldn't help more, i should now try to improve our software design :-)

Andrew Trobec commented Oct 01 '13, 5:20 a.m.


this is more of a configuration management issue.  when developers deliver from their repository workspaces to the team stream, RTC will force them first to accept any incoming changes and therefore resolve merges/conflicts.

if you have two team streams, you could change the flow target to perform a horizontal deliver before delivering to the integration stream.  if this operation is performed by a team lead, then it would help to avoid conflicts when delivering to the integration stream.

if you have many team streams that cause multiple conflicts then you could revise your stream structure.  instead of having each team work on an individual team stream containing the same components, you could have component based streams that include one writable component and many read-only components.

Makson Lee commented Oct 01 '13, 6:00 a.m.


Yes, this would avoid conflicts when delivering to the integration stream, but why? Because the conflicts would happen now when doing the horizontal deliver, right?

if you have two team streams, you could change the flow target to perform a horizontal deliver before delivering to the integration stream.  if this operation is performed by a team lead, then it would help to avoid conflicts when delivering to the integration stream.

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