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Why aren't Closure metrics being gathered for RRDI, but are for Insight?

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Dec 06 '13, 2:35 p.m.
I created a Defect Trend report with RRDI that shows inflow/outflow of Defects over time.  When I ran the report the Creation Metrics appeared correctly but the Closure Metrics showed 0 for each data point.

I looked in the Data Warehouse at the closure metrics tables like F_REQUEST_CLOSURE_DATE_METRICS and there's 0 rows.  Creation Metrics tables all had data.   I checked 2 DW DBs connected to RRDI projects with same result.   I then looked at the DW dbs connected to Insight projects where the collection jobs are now run through Data Manager and those ones do have the closure metrics tables populated and the reports show closure data.

Is this to be expected where Data Collection jobs run through CLM for RRDI do not collect the Closure Metrics, but when run through Data Manager or as Data Movement Tasks in Cognos they are collected?

2 answers

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Dec 06 '13, 4:56 p.m.
I don't know the details, but I can tell you that the data collection jobs used for RRDI (Java ETLs) and the ones used for Insight (Data Manager ETLs) are different. So, it must be that the DM ETLs collect this data and put it into the warehouse whereas the Java ETLs do not.

If you want this as part of the RRDI Java ETLs, please open an enhancement request.

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Dec 09 '13, 4:01 a.m.
Hello Michael,

this article gives some information on which metrics requires the insight DM ETL:

Improve the value of your CLM reports by using metrics

For Request Closure Metrics [with Requirement][with Test Plan] it states:
Requires Rational Insight ETL?
No, for the base metricsYes, for the two variant metrics
Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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