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When creating a CCM project area using a process template, the process description is not filled in

Jim Amsden (29347) | asked Sep 26 '13, 8:35 a.m.
 When I create a project area using the OpenUp template, the process description is not set. I tried importing the process description from:
  1. The exported OpenUp template
  2. The EPF process zip file downloaded from
In both cases I get: CRJAZ6066E The file cannot be imported as a process description because the file format is incorrect

Were is the file for the process description?

CLM 4.0.4

4 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 26 '13, 8:47 a.m.
 Hello Jim,
as far as I can see, OpenUP Template has no description OOTB:

I guess that if you set some description on your own,
it will appear upon PA creation.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 26 '13, 9:18 a.m.
edited Sep 26 '13, 9:19 a.m.

I have the same with 4.0.3. I can't import the process description from into the process description in 4.0.3.

I downloaded by the way.

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Ken Tessier (84117) | answered Sep 27 '13, 3:43 p.m.
I think that you can still access the old-style process description from the Eclipse client.  Open the project area.  On the Overview tab, there should be a link in the upper right-hand corner to the process description.


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Jim Amsden (29347) | answered Sep 27 '13, 9:43 p.m.
 Here's what I have observed for CLM 4.0.4:
  1. Most project area standard OOTB templates don't have process descriptions, although some like OpenUP do have EPF published practice libraries which makes the process description less useful (as long as the EPF and RTC processes match)
  2. There appears to be no automated relationship between EPF processes and RTC processes, at least not that I could find
  3. Setting the project area process doesn't set the process description
  4. Creating a lifecycle project does set the process descriptions if there are any. Lifecycle projects have their own process templates that include templates for the different artifact containers.
  5. OpenUp has an EPF process and downloadable published site, but doesn't have a process description
  6. Scrum has an RTC process description, EPF process library and published EPF website 
  7. The Formal Project Management Process has a process description, but no corresponding EPF process. 
    • project phases are requirements, design, implementation, testing, not inception, elaboration, construction and transition in OpenUp.
  8. There are no work item templates defined for the OpenUP process, or any other OOTB processes so these have to be created using work item queries 

Changing the process used for a project area
  1. Connect to the server and manage the desired project area in the RTC/RSA rich client
  2. Open a project area that has the desired template
  3. Click the Process Configuration Source tab, select all and copy
  4. Open the project area whose process you want to change
  5. Change the process name and summary to the new process on the overview tab
  6. Select the Process Configuration Source tab, select all and paste
  7. Save (need to be logged in as admin)
  8. Open a project area that has the desired process description
  9. Export the process description
  10. Administer the project area you want to change
  11. Click on the Process Description link and import the description you just exported
Note: process templates cannot be used as process configuration source as they have variables and need to be instantiated first.

This will update the project area with a different process and description, but will not change the already instantiated project dashboards, timelines, or possibly other things. So this should be done carefully or errors can result.

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