problem with My Work load calculation
I seem to have a problem getting the RTC My Work view to calculate load accurately. It seems to calculate the # of hours on the estimates of my work items, but it seems to indicate that my Available Hours = 0 for the iteration, which is incorrect.
In my User Profile, I have made sure my working hours are set (I even did modifications to work 46 hours per week). I also have 100% of my time allocated to my "Common Timeline". I have everything else set to (None).
With this, in my "My Work" view, today is Thursday so I should show 10 hours available (I have 10 hours that I work on Fridays. However, my Load shows Load: 3 / 0 | -3 h
So I have 3 hours estimated on work for this iteration but it shows I have 0 hours available, so overbooked by 3 hours. However, this to me seems wrong, since I should have 10 hours available for the 10 hours on Friday that I list that I work.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a bug?
In my User Profile, I have made sure my working hours are set (I even did modifications to work 46 hours per week). I also have 100% of my time allocated to my "Common Timeline". I have everything else set to (None).
With this, in my "My Work" view, today is Thursday so I should show 10 hours available (I have 10 hours that I work on Fridays. However, my Load shows Load: 3 / 0 | -3 h
So I have 3 hours estimated on work for this iteration but it shows I have 0 hours available, so overbooked by 3 hours. However, this to me seems wrong, since I should have 10 hours available for the 10 hours on Friday that I list that I work.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a bug?
Millard Ellingsworth
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 27 '13, 2:34 p.m.I'm not going to claim there isn't a bug, though I have often found that RTC was indeed calculating correctly once I took everything into consideration. RTC does this calculation very much in real time -- so if you check your available hours when you arrive in the morning and again after lunch, you'll have 3-4 hours less available. It's also (I'm pretty sure) going to account for time zones -- so is your timezone and the server time zone set correctly (especially if the server is significantly remote from you)?