Print PDF in test plan working for only few test plans, not for all.
I am using RQM 4.0.3 Release version.
The issue is
The issue is
1. Only test plans which have test cases attached to them are getting printed (with errors). For these test plans, ‘Export Details’ and ‘Export Comprehensive’ are working partially. ‘Export Summary’ is not working.
1. For above mentioned test plans whose ‘Export Details’ and ‘Export Comprehensive’ are working partially, are printing only about the test cases attached to the test plan and about the test scripts attached to that test case. Please see the below screenshot.
Can someone please help with the possible causes of this issue.
Accepted answer
Hi Shuchita,
Have you looked in the RQM log to see if there are any error messages ? There is a defect related to user preferences affecting summary pdf jobs --
Check if you have similar exceptions in the log.