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ETL collection of RQM Testresult defect link

Amir Ghaemian (4811315) | asked Sep 16 '13, 10:56 a.m.
Hi, We have RQM integrated with OSLC to a third-party defect management system. So you can link your testresult to defects in this system. Now I want to create a report using Insight where I list the Testresults with this OSLC link URL. So I'm wondering if the Insight/RDDI RQM ETL's collects and stores these links?

See below screenshot to understand what link I'm talking about


Accepted answer

permanent link
Jun Wang (6077) | answered Sep 16 '13, 10:58 p.m.
RQM ETL will use the OSLC link to find the defects from data warehouse DB. However, your third-party defect management system must implement its ETL via Insight to populate the defects into DW. For RQM ETL, it uses the MD5 hashed value of OSLC link (defining the element in xdc to MESSAGEDIGET type that will hashed your value) to find the EXTERNAL_ID column of RIODS.REQUIREMENT table.

Please refer to RTC ETL how to populate your defects into DW when implementing your system's ETL.
Amir Ghaemian selected this answer as the correct answer

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