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Problem with RQM custom attributes import

Felipe Santos (111) | asked Sep 12 '13, 11:32 a.m.


I have got a problem with the RMC test case import since I have created two custom attributes (see "Teste" and "Teste 1" under Attributes), however while importing the XML files created with the following config lines, it creates a section instead (see "customAttribute" in sections menu). Below you can see the lines of code of my config file to  generate it:

//--- Test Case
// Start looking for test case after row 2
testcase.alm:state =""
// a new test case starts when we encounter an empty row

// Link test case to test script
// self referential links must be declared before also using column definitions
// Below lines will create test case and test script in same name but they can link each other

testcase.customAttributes identifier="Teste".name="Teste".type="SMALL_STRING".value=I

testcase.customAttributes identifier="Teste 1".name="Teste 1".type="INTEGER".value=J

Chenyue Gao commented Sep 17 '13, 10:27 a.m.

Felipe Santos, Thanks for raising this issue. Which version of excel importer and RQM are you using?

One answer

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William Chen (31215) | answered Sep 19 '13, 10:22 a.m.
Hi Felipe,
  • /customAttributes/customAttribute/name
  • /customAttributes/customAttribute/value

Test case custom attributes are supported on Rational Quality Manager 4.0 or later. 


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