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how load only one file within a component with scm load

DEPAUW Martin (111) | asked Sep 03 '13, 8:50 a.m.
retagged Sep 03 '13, 4:59 p.m. by Amy Laird (16514)

how load only one file within a component with scm load:

It should be a probleme of syntax with / and \

My component : COMP

My file in a folder : folder/onefile.txt

scm load ... COMP/folder/onefile.txt  -> Coud not find remote item "/folder/onefile.txt" 

scm load ... COMP\folder\onefile.txt -> unable to find component "COMP\folder\onefile.txt"

scm load ... COMP \folder\onefile.txt -> unable to find component "\folder\onefile.txt"

scm load ... COMP/folder\onefile.txt -> Coud not find remote item "/folder\onefile.txt" 

scm load ... COMP\folder/onefile.txt -> Unexpected exception...

scm load ... COMP/\folder\onefile.txt -> Coud not find remote item "/\folder\onefile.txt"

scm load ... COMP\\folder\onefile.txt -> unable to find component "COMP\\folder\onefile.txt"

scm load ... COMP//folder\onefile.txt -> Coud not find remote item "/folder\onefile.txt"

The file is present in the component, i load it in his folder if i load all the component


What is the good syntax? 

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 03 '13, 10:30 a.m.
according to the Infocenter , SCM load "Loads the contents of the specified workspace into the local file system. By default, the workspace is loaded into the current working directory."

So not sure if you can use SCM load to load a single file.


DEPAUW Martin commented Sep 03 '13, 10:51 a.m.

It's possible by the RTC interface:

Right-click on the component of the repository workspace -> context menu show -> repository file, in the view, rigth-click on the file -> context menu load or load as...

It should be possible by line command, no?

the syntax is:

Usage: scm load [options] <workspace> [remote-path...]

 else, what is [remote-path...]?

Best Regards.

Kevin Ramer commented Sep 03 '13, 1:36 p.m.

It doesn't look like you tried any w/o the leading directory delimiter (except where you provided component name.   

remote-path The list of remote items to load. The remote-path might be the name, alias, or UUID of a component, or a remote path within a component.

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Sep 05 '13, 12:46 a.m.
Here is an example of loading a single file from the command line...

c:\test>scm ls comp 1151
Workspace: (1151) "commandline" <-> (1147) "cli"
  Component: (1152) "commandline Default Component"
  Component: (1166) "Test Cases" 

c:\test>scm ls rf -r ella 1151 1152 --depth -

1151 is the workspace alias and 1152 is the component alias. You can also specify the name or uuid instead of alias for each of these items.

Remote path with component name included in the remotepath:
c:\test\load>scm load 1151 "commandline Default Component/CliTest2/CommandLine_Readme3.txt"
Successfully loaded items into the sandbox.

Remote path with component alias included in the remotepath:
c:\test\load>scm load 1151 1152/CliTest2/CommandLine_Readme2.txt
Successfully loaded items into the sandbox.

Note: Aliases are temporary and should not be used in scripts.

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