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Unable to login for JTS setup after installation

shruti joshi (10013239) | asked Aug 29 '13, 6:37 a.m.
edited Aug 29 '13, 7:34 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)

   I have installed RTC 4.0 on windows 7, after installing it I am not able to login as ADMIN user for Jazz Server Setup.

Thanks and Regards

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Aug 29 '13, 6:40 a.m.

Hi Shruti,
It could be great you to provide the output of <your-server>/server/logs/jts.log file. Do you have any errors there?
Also can you provide the screen shot what you see on the screen when attempting to log in?

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 7:37 a.m.


   can you please tell me about the file path for "<your-server>/server/logs/jts.log file"
I am not able to find this file. Are you talking about log4j file?????

Accepted answer

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Bo Chulindra (1.3k2718) | answered Aug 29 '13, 10:41 a.m.
If no logs are being generated in your CLM server installation, then chances are that you are looking at the wrong CLM server installation. Perhaps you still have an old installation that you started and that installation has disabled the ADMIN user.

Look at your Tomcat console window and look for file paths in it that show where it is running from. I attached an image. You can see that my server is running from C:\temp\Servers\JTS_RM.

shruti joshi selected this answer as the correct answer

6 other answers

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Karl Weinert (2.0k52736) | answered Aug 29 '13, 8:41 a.m.
It is odd that you don't have any logs under the tomcat directory.
Is there any chance you have another instance of RTC  running on this system.

How are you starting the server? If you are just clicking on server.startup do you see "INFO: server startup in ### ms"  in the tomcat command window?

Are there any other messages\errors in that window?

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 9:01 a.m.

wanna know one thing..... i am doing fresh installation on Windows 7 x86 pc with tomcat. After installing JTS from Installation manager you start Tomcat server (start tomcat server) and after this u will go for "https://localhost:9443/jts/setup" for configuring your server...... till this time are there any logs has been generated in logs directory????
 or Logs directory will be empty till this pont of time????

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Aug 29 '13, 7:10 a.m.
If RTC is running on WebSphere,  confirm that all the security settings are correct, and that the jvm custom properties have been set correctly.  Also if this is WebSphere and LDAP is used, log in with your ldap ID.

For a tomcat install, does the log in page come up? and when logging in with user=ADMIN and password=ADMIN, are there any errors on the log in page? 

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 7:38 a.m.

After loggin in with user=ADMIN and password=ADMIN, it is showing me as invalid username and password.

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shruti joshi (10013239) | answered Aug 29 '13, 7:28 a.m.
Hi All,

    I am using Tomcat (default one) as server. This is the fresh installation on PC. I had tried to edit tomcat-user.xml file too but still not able to login for setup my JTS.

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Aug 29 '13, 7:34 a.m.

Hi Shruti,
Providing your tomcat-users.xml file and screen snapshot with error message will be useful here.

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 7:49 a.m.

  tome-user.xml file content:
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -->
-<tomcat-users> <role rolename="JazzUsers"/> <role rolename="JazzAdmins"/> <role rolename="JazzDWAdmins"/> <role rolename="JazzGuests"/> <role rolename="JazzProjectAdmins"/> <role rolename="manager"/> <user roles="JazzUsers,JazzAdmins,JazzProjectAdmins" password="b521caa6e1db82e5a01c924a419870cb72b81635" username="ADMIN"/> </tomcat-users>

and SCREENSHOT of the login page:


Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Aug 29 '13, 8:11 a.m.

umm tomcat-users seems ok.
Do you have any errors in catalina.log in <your-install>/server/tomcat/logs directory?

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 8:27 a.m.

server/tomcat/logs directory is empty..... no logs in it....

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Aug 29 '13, 8:05 a.m.
In the tomcat.users replace the admin entry with the following line

 <user username="ADMIN" password="b521caa6e1db82e5a01c924a419870cb72b81635"/>

NOTE: I took this from my install.  restart Tomcat and try to log in. 
If it still fails, then replace the password in the above line with ADMIN.  then restart and attempt to log in.
If it still fails, i would think something went wrong with the install, and would uninstall and then reinstall and see if that helps.

shruti joshi commented Aug 29 '13, 8:10 a.m.


   I have already tried all these methods.... still not able to get login for stting up JTS

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Aug 29 '13, 9:07 a.m.
Lets try the following:
1. Look in the windows task manager to see if there are any running java or tomcat processes
2. If there are then kill them
3. Go to the <CLM_Install_Root>\servers directory
4. Double click the startserver script.  This should bring up a command window where you can see the startup progress of the server
5. Once the server is started, then access the following url:

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Aug 29 '13, 10:06 a.m.
One additional thought.  Once you log in using  if it works, try using localhost. 
If using localhost fails, then check the windows hosts file to ensure localhost is mapped to 

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