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How to have Requirement on a workspace that are only "visible" to a subset of users?

Mariana Hernandez (636) | asked Aug 27 '13, 2:02 p.m.
In an RRC workspace, we would like to be able to "keept" draft items for team A only visible to Team A, until Team A feels those items can be "shared" with the rest of the team.

Accepted answer

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Aug 27 '13, 2:44 p.m.
This is currently not possible in RRC.  There's probably an enhancement request for this already, but if you can't find one, feel free to open one. 
Mariana Hernandez selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Aug 27 '13, 5:40 p.m.
 One way you could implement this now is to use views as part of your teams' normal work.  Include a state attribute, e.g. (starting / draft / in review, etc.).  And filter out any artifact in "starting" state.  Then teams would not see artifacts until they are in draft state.  A separate view could be used by team A that includes their artifacts in "starting state".

Alternatively you might be able to use views with specific folders instead of attribute states to accomplish the same thing (i.e. artifacts that should remain hidden go into a "not yet ready" folder, then are moved to their normal home once they are ready for others to see them).

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