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New RDM 4.0.3 Install Deploy Predefined Templates fails that there are no predefined templates ??

Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | asked Aug 27 '13, 3:39 a.m.
  Any ideas on what to check here, I installed DM 4.0.3 without any errors, configured my settings and ran /jts/setup successfully without errors. I licensed my user with a RSA Designer license, but when I try to add a new Project Area I the option to Deploy Predefined, but this fails. When I go to the Templates tab again I get the option to "Deploy Predefined Templates" when I select it, it fails that "no predefined templates are available".

 I am hoping I am just doing something silly here, anyone seen this before and have an idea ?


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Francois-xavier Panaget (58914) | answered Aug 27 '13, 4:02 a.m.
 Hi Sean,

Did you run the express or custom setup ?
Did you install DM 4.0.3 on top/with an existing CLM 4.0.3?
Did you assign a license to your user during the setup or afterwards?
Licensing your user after running the setup is usually a cause incorrect initialization of the DM application.
Normally the deployment of the predefined template is done during the finalization. If this has failed then it may be quicker to perform a uninstallation/reinstallation.
I am sorry about that.


Sean G Wilbur commented Aug 27 '13, 5:59 a.m.

 Thanks for the response Francois.

 Installed DM with CCM at the same time, ran setup at the same time and only gave myself the one license of RSA Designer during the setup process.

 I was afraid you might say that, I'm away from the installation now but I will try to do the re-install if they are still missing. Just a quick question, I thought I could export them from a working install and import but I am worried this may just be the first of some other hidden failures, would you agree this is a bad idea or worth trying ?


Francois-xavier Panaget commented Aug 27 '13, 11:43 a.m.

 Hi Sean,

I am not sure this would work. I have never done it.
It may depend on how  deep is the installation failed. There might be information at the Database level that would be difficult to workaround.
A reinstallation sounds better/healthier.
If the problem persists, then I suggest you to get in touch with your DM support team.


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