RQM v4.0.2 Why backlinks in CQ are not written to CQ Links tab when blocking TCERs
Hi, I need a quick answer about this. Thanks in advance.
As a CQ Admin, I have no problem block and unblock TCERs and when I do it the backlinks in CQ ALMRequest/Defect can always be seen and they are shown correctly.
Some users, who are not CQ Admin, have problems doing this, and we know that the backlinks are not written with the following errors we caught using firebug
PUT https://rqmserver.rogers.com:9443/qm/proxy?uri=h...rement%252Coslc_cm%253AblocksTestExecutionRecord
409 Conflict 1.99s ?inclu...s=CiZuV (line 15)
{"oslc:message":"CRVSV0078E Error from RPC server: CRVSV0751E Server error: Unexpected exception: CRMUD0021E Permission denied for user scm.tester to perform action OSLC_Modify_Links (of type MODIFY) ","oslc:statusCode":"409","reasonCode":"conflict","nestedExceptions":[]}
We are using OSLCLinks Package v1.2 and I checked the following script
sub oslc_links_ValueChanged {....
and I found that we did not customize it and it does not seem to check permission.
Then why permissions we need to set in CQ so that all RQM users who are allowed to block TCERs can write the link? Is there any instruction about this?