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What are the best practices for splitting up Test Plans for a particular release?

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Feb 27 '13, 2:23 p.m.
Are there any best practices regarding how to split up Test Plans?  I've seen some teams with just 1 large Test Plan for the release and all the Test Cases underneath, other teams with a main Test Plan and then a child Test Plan for each Line Item or Component underneath, and other teams with a main Test Plan and then child Test Plans for the different Test Phases (FVT, SVT).  I'm curious if there's a best practice regarding this or some logical way to determine where to separate Test Plans?

My thought was if the objective is the same, using the same test schedule, and the only difference is the Test Cases , then one Test Plan is enough and we could use Categories to break the Test Cases into different Components.  However, if the objective is different, then that would require another Test Plan.

Michael Walker commented Mar 04 '13, 2:52 p.m.

bump bump bump

One answer

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Tory Jaskoviak (52015) | answered Mar 18 '13, 3:53 p.m.
Hi Michael,

Please refer to the following library docs:

Release Planning:
Master/Child Test Plans:

More introduction docs to familiarize yourself:
Customizing Agile Planning Tools:
Getting Started with Planning:

This is just a general doc with RQM best practices:
RQM Best Practices/Lessons Learned:

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