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Setting permissions in lifecycle states community wise

iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | asked Mar 03 '14, 1:09 p.m.
In lifecycles, we have three options for permissions in states - No change, Override modify, and Override All. Is it possible that we do not set any of these option in master lifecycle and set it at community level.
Our requirement is not to inherit permissions of states of lifecycles from master to community lifecycle. We need it to be set at community level. One community may have "No change" option set for "Draft" state and the other community may have "Override All" option set for "Draft" state.
Please let us know if there is any way to do this?

2 answers

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Roy yu (411) | answered Mar 05 '14, 8:33 p.m.
        Click "Administration" on the navigation bar to go to the "Communities". Choose the community and click the "lifecycles" tab.   The currently available lifecycles  are listed. Get in to the lifecycle you want and you can configure it at the community level.

iRAM Administrator commented Mar 06 '14, 11:42 a.m.

Thanks for the comments. We are doing the same way but when we are trying to configure the permissions in the state of the community lifecycle, it is taking inhertited value from the master lifecycle and thus not allowing to change it. Also in master lifecycle, we are not able to remove it since it is a radio button.
Please suggest.

permanent link
Roy yu (411) | answered Mar 07 '14, 1:57 a.m.
      If the permission of "No Change" is selected at the master lifecycle, you can choose whatever level of permission you want at the community level.

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