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RTC Floating License

Noriyuki Egi (7411818) | asked Aug 16 '13, 2:19 a.m.
 Hi !

I have a question about RTC Floating License.

I'd like to do the following operation. How can I do ?

I have 20 floating user lisences. And I'd like to have two Jazz Repository.
One repository apply 12 floating users and the other apply 8 floating users.

I know that we input "Purchased" field and enter the number of licenses purchased, when I apply license.
But the field can be modified if the user have JazzAdmins Authorized.

How can we restrict modifing the field?
Or how can we know the modified the field in the past?

3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 16 '13, 10:34 a.m.
I've submitted work item Provide history/audit of all changes to repository/server configuration (276766) asking that this kind of information be made available.  In that work item, I've asked whether this kind of information is available in some of the log files.

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Jin Zhou (591619) | answered Aug 16 '13, 3:23 a.m.
You understanding is correct. Only if the user has the permission he can easily change the "Purchased" field without any problem. This is basically a trust thing and no validation actually implemented in the tool regarding this.

I did some research but couldn't find any way to modify the predefined permission settings for the repository security roles. Besides, I also didn't see any related info output in logs if I changed the number.

Probably you could only assign the trust user with JazzAdmins role in order to minimize any human mistake.
I also look forward to others valuable input.

Sorry couldn't help more.

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Noriyuki Egi (7411818) | answered Aug 16 '13, 4:31 p.m.
 Hi Jin, Geoffrey,

Thank you for your reply.
I subscribed the workitem.  Thanks!

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