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Revert Repository Component to Baseline

Carson Holmes (11113544) | asked Aug 13 '13, 12:01 p.m.
 Is there a way to revert a component in the repository to a prior baseline?  Like a discard, but not in a workspace, in the stream itself.

The team has tried to do reverses on the change sets and publish them, but due to the nature of these changes (folder structure changes in RSA models), the reverses were unsuccessful.

Please advise.  My current suggestion is to create a Component #2 and deliver the baseline to this new component, and then stop using Component #1.  However, this fragments the history, and doesn't seem ideal.  Any other ideas?

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Te-Hsin Shih (2854) | answered Aug 13 '13, 3:18 p.m.
Have you tried Component -> Replace With -> Baseline...

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