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How do I join custom attributes

Brandy Guillory (5311925) | asked Aug 12 '13, 6:48 p.m.
edited Aug 12 '13, 6:49 p.m.
I have consulted several articles from jazz on how to create custom attributes. I have created 3 queries- queries 3, 4 5, I added enumerations - enumerations id to query 4 and i added value /name to request string extension in query 5 and  I also tried to link through the join button and when i try to run the report i get an error

 Cross joins (between query subjects: [Physical Metadata].[VW_PROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP], [Physical Metadata].[VW_RQST_ENUMERATION], [Request Metrics].[Requests Detail (Total)], [Business View].[Request]) are not permitted for the user who has the identity '*

I am a little confused as to how to properly do the join and then add it to a report.

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Aug 13 '13, 4:27 a.m.
Hello Brandy,

the following technotes explain what is a cross join and how to avoid the RQP-DEF-0103 error:
RQP-DEF-0103 Cross joins are not permitted.
Cross Join error when creating a report on query subjects from the business view.

Best Regards

Brandy Guillory selected this answer as the correct answer

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