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How to configure RTC SDK v403 extension environment?

Accepted answer

The information is in Setting up the RTC SDK
If you install RTC4.0 and try to run a 4.0.x client against it that does not give you a 4.0.x SDK and it will actually not work. See: http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/new-version-and-now-experiences-with-sdk-and-plain-java-api-across-tool-versions/
My suggestion if you only want to set up the SDK for newer versions of RTC:
Install the workshop with 4.0.
Load the launches (and the final source code if you want that as an example later) to disk. Remember your workspace.
Install RTC and the SDK of the version X you are interested in (server, client, sdk, plain java...)
Setup the SDK as described in the workshop for Version X and skip 1.3 as described in the blog posts above with a new Eclipse workspace
- Import the launches and the source code from the old workspace - avoid importing the projects that are imported when setting up the SDK.
You are ready to go for SDK development for version X
2 other answers

I am working on this topic actually :-)
I have installed the 4.0.0 server then, I have populated my database with the files used on the workshop. Then I have exported all information in the ccm server.
Finally, I have deleted this version and I have reinstalled the 4.0.3 server ...

Hello Mathieu,

You must install the 4.0.0 server and you import data with the command repotool.
Then, you create a workspace on the ccm project and you save all files : it's files for jetty configuration !
Finally, you remove the 4.0.0 server and you work with your 4.0.3 server
1 vote

Alright~ I got the point.

Yes, I agree with your last comment.
I have used the 4.0.0 client when I have worked on the 4.0.0 server and the 4.0.3 client on the 4.0.3 server.
But I think that the 4.0.0 client can be used on all 4.0.x server. I am not sure ...
1 vote

Well, it makes me confuse again, haha...

Have you extracted files from ccm workshop project ? This files are available after using repotool commands

Nope, actually I don't know how to use repotool commands...

Yes. You must follow this documentation : https://jazz.net/library/content/articles/rtc/4.0/extensions-workshop/
You have all files used by repotool and the pdf documentation

The article you offered is for construction the v4.0 extension environment, which I have done.

No. If you have used repotool commands to import tar files, you have finished :-)
Now, you must connect your eclipse client to the CCM Workshop Project. Connect you on the only stream and backup all files. You must have 5 eclispe projects.
Then, delete the 4.0.0 server, and start working with your 4.0.3 environment. You can import all eclipse project in your new workspace.

Okay, I think I got some progress on it.

If you follow step by step the pdf documentation (expected for files exported from the 4.0.0 server which are stored on your workspace) you should have no problem

Ya, I mean all the files is run well.

I am not used this option sorry


Hi Ralph,

Hi, on vacation, so slow......
1 vote

Hi, Ralph, I've read part of articles described in your blog.

However, still hope can get the right version client to run with corresponding server, which I need the launches for downloading separately to build them into my newer eclipse client (It might need your help to release them).