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RELM LQE DWA datasource reindex fails

Adolfo Brandao (60148) | asked Aug 06 '13, 5:25 p.m.
edited Dec 03 '17, 6:07 p.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)


I have installed the SSE solution including RELM and I am trying to create a DOORS datasource for the LQE in following these instructions . After filling out the datasource form, the page shows the following error: Reindex datasource failed. And the following error in the DWA log:

 <06-Aug-2013 09:26:33> [http-8443-1] WARN com.telelogic.festival.generalservices.licensing.common.impl.LicenceManagerImpl  - Failed to acquire suitable Licence for user [xyz] and package [TRS_DOORS] in session [24BE38BF134D6C1EC1D009A15C4E0C8A]

This is strange because “xyz” is the key and secret, not user.

Investigating the RSSE Sandbox, I see that the AND functional.user.password are set to “Administrator” which I guess is the DOORS administrator. This is different from the help instructions which tells to use the lqe_user from Jazz. I have tried many different values for the properties but the error persists.

The DOORS Derby TRS database starts, initializes and stops with no problem. The TRS configuration in DOORS works fine, that is, I am able to select projects and modules to be tracked (Tools > Configure TRS). The TRS-consumer-internal license is set for lqe_user and theres a corresponding user in the DOORS database, with which I can log into DOORS and into DWA.

There are in place other OSLC integrations between DOORS and Jazz applications (ccm, rqm, rdm), no problem with this.

These are my properties in festival.xml:

         <f:property name="licence.server.location" value="27000@SSE1"/>                   
         <f:property name="published.url.prefix" value=""/>
         <f:property name="ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth" value="true"/>                           
         <f:property name="ForceOAuthForOslcResource" value="false"/>
         <f:property name="oauth.domain" value=""/>
         <f:property name="OauthAccessTokenTimeout" value="40320"/>
         <f:property name="functional.user.consumer.key" value="xyz"/>
         <f:property name="functional.user.consumer.secret" value="xyz"/>
         <f:property name="" value="lqe_user"/>
         <f:property name="functional.user.password" value="lqe_user"/>
         <f:property name="trs.db.user" value="trs"/>
         <f:property name="trs.db.password" value="trs.db.user"/>
         <f:property name="" value="250"/>
         <f:property name="trs.enable" value="true"/>

I have also configured the whole environment for the RSSE following these instructions.

Any clues about the cause of the error?

Great job and thanks in advance!

Jin Zhou commented May 06 '15, 10:03 p.m.


I know this is a quite old thred but I got the same error when working on RELM 5.0.2 recently. I figured out the cause and finally fixed the error.

I found there's no need to downloand or install license for DWA datasource indexing. You should already have 2 TRS consumer internal licenses inside of your jts after initial installation. You could assign 1 trs consumer license to lqe_user which is used to perform lqe index with datasource that registed on JTS. Another spared trs consumer license would be used for accessing DWA datasource. So if you haven't yet asssign all the internal trs consumer licenses to jts users, the warning message would gone when you creating datasource of DWA.


Accepted answer

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John Carolan (71616) | answered Aug 09 '13, 10:37 a.m.
edited Aug 09 '13, 10:38 a.m.
Section D of the following wiki mentions that an internal TRS license is required for DOORS, but it doesn't spell out what the license features are called.

Those licenses are the ones which are included in download I mentioned above.


Adolfo Brandao selected this answer as the correct answer

Adolfo Brandao commented Sep 18 '13, 8:26 p.m.

Hello John,

I've managed to follow the instructions but it seems not to work out. Here is what I have:

1-We could not find the mentioned licenses at the license key center website.

From the wiki instructions:

2-The file could not be downloaded using the URL found at https://lqeserver/lqe/scr. I got an error message saiyng the file could not be read. So I found the license jar browsing the file system directly.

3-On "manage licenses" at https://jazzserver/jts/admin, the TRS_consumer_internal.jar, which has the same name as mentioned by the wiki, was already applied for 2 users

4-and-finally, after uploading the license jar, still got the error message from the DWA console: Failed to acquire suitable Licence for user [lqe_user] and package [TRS_DOORS]

I am marking your answer as correct because it makes a lot of sense and no other explanation is available. So, I suppose It is probabilly a PMR issue. Thanks a lot.


2 other answers

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John Carolan (71616) | answered Aug 08 '13, 12:27 p.m.
edited Aug 08 '13, 12:29 p.m.
 Hi Adolfo,

Do you have a TRS_DOORS license in your Flex license manager?  

That license supplements the Jazz licenses for RELM, but it needs to be installed on the same Flex LM that your DOORS installation is using.  When it's installed and in use, you would see it as a FEATURE in LMTOOLS.

In License Key Center there are 2 separate downloads for RELM - one contains the Jazz keys to import to JTS, and the other the traditional Flex LM license keys which need to be added to the DOORS license server.

I'm not sure why the license would be allocated to 'xyz' rather than 'Administrator'.  I would recommend raising a PMR with the DOORS Support Team to figure that out.

I hope that helps,


Adolfo Brandao commented Aug 09 '13, 10:05 a.m.

Hello John,

Thanks for the answer. It looks like your are correct, because I dont have the TRS_DOORS licence and I didn't know about it. Is there any documentation explaining about this?

Since it is a single machine topology, the licence server wont be a problem. Im checking what I can do about this licence and I let you know.

I'm sorry but what is a PMR?

Thanks again, your help has been already useful.


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John Carolan (71616) | answered Aug 09 '13, 10:25 a.m.
edited Aug 09 '13, 10:26 a.m.
Hi Adolfo,

The documentation around TRS licensing for DOORS is still a little light unfortunately.  If you take a look at your RELM licenses in License Key Center, you should see 2 buttons like this:

(not sure if that picture displays in all browsers  - it shows 2 buttons:

'Download Jazz Keys' )

The first of those contains the Flex LM licenses including the TRS_DOORS license.  You'll need to add all the features in that file to your Flex LM license file to enable DOORS as a TRS contributor.

Sorry for the acronym! A PMR is just another term for a Service Request or a call ticket for the Rational Support team.



Girish Chandra P commented Mar 16 '14, 2:46 a.m.

  Dear John ,

I could see only the the zip file  link but not the download link for flexlm.

Please let me know which browsers will help to see both the "download" buttons

Warm Regards

John Carolan commented Mar 18 '14, 11:08 a.m.

 Hi Girish,

I can see both buttons using Chrome and Firefox.  The button for FlexLM licenses is "Download License Keys" at the top of the page, while the Jazz licenses button is "Download Jazz Keys" on the right.

Download License Keys
If you're not seeing that for the RELM licenses, I suggest you open a ticket with the License Support team using the Rational Support link on the left of the License Key Center page.

I hope that helps,


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