Select workitem window (the one used to associate a workitem to a changeset): which workitem in the list if I use * character?
It seems the list is composed arbitrary using this kind of search character, * is often considered a special character and the user expectation is to have all the WI listed into the window.
Accepted answer
Hi Surya,
thanks for your response, I wish to ask you what you mean with "paginated".
When I use * without any other filter turned on, I have a message at the bottom like this: “Showing top XX of an estimated XXXX matches”; there is no way to see others WI then the first XX listed.
Thanks for any comment you would add
'Paginated' means, that the result will be displayed over several pages. To see the next set, you will need to go to next page. It is not available in Eclipse client. The WI view in Eclipse will display only 1000 (by default) work items. The 'Select Work Items' dialog, that you see while selecting a work item to associate with a change set, will display fewer work items and there is no pagination. Only web client has pagination. In real life, when you are working in Eclipse client, you do not want to go over 1000 work items. You may just want to know how many work items are there meeting your query (* in this case) and the client will tell you that. It is advisable that you define queries and filter work items appropriately so that the list is small enough for you to work with. The most common use case of 'Select work items' dialog is to select a work item assigned to you. Also, the idea behind setting this limit is that you would not want to stress the server by running queries that will return all the work items. BTW, this limit is a server property which you can change.
Here is how you can change the maximum query result size-
Log in as Admin using the web UI and go to "Jazz Team Server Home" and select the "Application" link under "Change and Configuration Management" On the "Application Administration-> Change and Configuration Management (CCM)" page select "Advanced Properties”. Locate the section "WorkItem Queries" at the bottom of the page. Change the value of "Maximum Query Result Set Size" property to 5000 (or whatever suits you). Make sure to change the value of "Maximum Query Time" property in the same proportion. You may need to restart server.
Ok Surya, thanks for your explanation, very clear.