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How can we get the value of ?

Manjiri Kamat (5132325) | asked Aug 01 '13, 8:20 a.m.
edited Aug 01 '13, 8:21 a.m.
We try to get this value from the Configuration table in the RAMDB,but we noticed that it is not present in the RAM 7511 DB.

Also got to know that it is stored as a resource url in the app server configuration for RAM 7511.

How can we get this value of the resource url through code ?

Rich Kulp commented Aug 01 '13, 10:19 a.m.

Why do you need it? This is entirely internal and not meant to be messed with?

Manjiri Kamat commented Aug 01 '13, 11:48 p.m.

We need it to access the asset.ras file.

Manjiri Kamat commented Aug 02 '13, 12:16 a.m.

We manually set this value in the table to use it but wanted to know from where doed the application get it to show it on the configuration page.
We do not update this value but just use the asset.ras file from here in the backend.
We do not expose it to the user.

Gili Mendel commented Aug 02 '13, 9:23 a.m.

Accessing the filesystem directly is not a tivial task, as RAM organizes the files into directory buckets (some OSs have a limit on the number of files per directory).

Also, updates are not always refresh the .ras, and may be lazily driven on the first (RAM instigated) download.

Manjiri Kamat commented Aug 05 '13, 2:02 a.m.

But is it possible to get this value through code as earlier we got it from the configuration table?

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Aug 05 '13, 11:52 a.m.
The .ras file as you probably know is just a zip file with the contents of the asset.  If a user updates an existing asset by adding new files, sometimes the .ras file is not reconstructed right away.  The new files are placed in the dbid-xxxx folder.  When a user downloads the asset for the first time, the zip is constructed in parallel with the download.  This is done to improve performance during the upload.  So if you manually access the .ras file on the file system, you may not actually get the newest version of the asset.

The only way to trigger the .ras construction is to download the asset via the web, eclipse client, or API.
There are many APIs to download the asset.ras file.  They are
1)  REST (just a simple HTTP GET)

2)  A Java API

3)  An ANT API

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