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RAM / Jazz OSLC integration - blank screen?

Francis Kemp (7213044) | asked Mar 12 '14, 8:23 a.m.

I'm using RAM V7.5.2 and CLM V4.0.5.  Everything appears to be configured correctly - Single Sign-On works when moving between RAM and Jazz and the Cross Server links (between RAM and CCM) were configured according to the docs. 

I added an attribute of type Resource to the Documentation Asset type in RAM.  When I attempt to modify that attribute in RAM, a Firefox popup is displayed that is blank.  That popup should display the selection criteria for a work item in Jazz.  Checking Firebug for the popup shows no data in the body for the popup, so nothing is being sent back from the server. 

I currently have a Cross Server link configured from RAM -> CCM and from CCM -> RAM.  Any thoughts as to what might be happening? 


Francis Kemp commented Mar 21 '14, 6:23 p.m.

I think I've found the root of this problem: From RAM on the Friend Servers page, immediately after entering the Root Services URL, I get this message in ramDebug.log:

[DATETIME] CRRAM0001E 703289411 ERROR web - The consumer key did not exist for key "https://JAZZSERVERURL/ccm/rootservices"

I can't find any documentation on this message anywhere.  All of our servers use self signed certs - is there any chance this is causing the problem?

2 answers

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Lin Lu (3063) | answered Apr 01 '14, 9:55 p.m.
Hi Francis,
I could not reproduce you problem on a ram 752 and rtc 405. OAuth works fine for me.

I think 752 may has a regression about cross-server communication at the very beginning, then we fix it in a fix pack, sorry I can not recall wi#. My opinion is a update of your ram server.

[DATETIME] CRRAM0001E 703289411 ERROR web - The consumer key did not exist for key "https://JAZZSERVERURL/ccm/rootservices"

-As to the info you found, RAM will check if there is one concumer key for new create friend sever, if not, this info will be throw. it maybe confusing  to make this log a ERROR level, but I think it is not the root cause, create new friend server op will apply for a new consumer key.

Francis Kemp commented Apr 01 '14, 10:24 p.m.

I have a PMR open for this but haven't gotten much help there either.  They haven't mentioned a fix pack and there are no fixpaks listed for RAM 752, which I find strange considering how long it's been out.

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Sheng Liu (21) | answered Apr 01 '14, 10:45 p.m.
This is a known bug in RAM 752 and already be fixed in the new ifix, you can download it in IBM fix central ,the newest ifix published is RAM 752 ifix009, however ,our apology, the list of fixes included in this fix is not yet updated(will do it later).
Your problem will be resolved after apply that ifix ,and there is also a doc along with that ifix zip file to guide you how to do it yourself.

Francis Kemp commented Apr 02 '14, 7:36 a.m.

Thanks - just downloaded it.  I see it was just released on March 25.  Guess that's why I didn't see it before.

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