Is there a way in RRC or RTC to get the IDs/node names of customized fields?

When I am creating new fields in a particular project area, I need to find the node name or id associated with the newly created field for fetching the data using OSLC. Is there a place where I can see the field name with the associated node name?
Suppose I am adding a field called Status which had 5 possible values.
How can I see what is the name of the status node and what is the id of each of the possible values?
I can see the values by adding data to a new artifact and then changing the vaues to see the IDs using RESTClient, but I want a way by which I can find the values without the need of creating new artifacts.
Any help here is much appreciated.
One answer

For a complete workshop regarding OSLC, see article Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Workshop