[closed] How to I extract cross-tool traceability information in Insight using Report Studio?
I am using CLM and Insight 1.1.1.
I have a situation where I have a requirement in RRC and several work items in RTC linked to that requirement. What I would like to do with Insight is create a report that interrogates the link and extract data both from the requirement and the work items.
I am working in Report Studio based on the DW Reporting Data Model and I have a number of data stores. In particular I am using the Request Area for RTC work items and the Requirement Area for RRC artifacts. I can locate the information that I need for each tool, but I cannot find a way of linking the data across the two tools. The Request Related Requirements and Requirement Related Requests views show me which objects are linked, but there is no way to extract the source data. For example, I can get a list of the work items that are linked to a requirement, but I cannot get the information that tells me that this is the requirement that those work items are linked to.
Where can I find the traceability data that I am looking for?
Thank you and best regards,
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by spriteburn Jul 30 '13, 4:20 a.m.