OSLC Automation: Can I reuse existing Test Execution Records?

I want to use RQM's OSLC interface to write test results to RQM.
I want to execute all test cases of a test plan several times. I don't want to create test execution records for each run. RQM should reuse existing test execution records, move the old result to the history and add the current test result as actual one.
Can I do this with RQM's OSLC interface?
I want to execute all test cases of a test plan several times. I don't want to create test execution records for each run. RQM should reuse existing test execution records, move the old result to the history and add the current test result as actual one.
Can I do this with RQM's OSLC interface?
Accepted answer

Assuming the test plan/case(s)/script(s)/execution record(s) exist, you can do this scenario with the OSLC QM API (see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmOslcQmV2Api). The OSLC QM API does not maintain a reference between test execution record and test execution result (see http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2?sortcol=table;up=#Resource_TestExecutionRecord).
The OSLC Automation API is used to integrate test automation tools with Rational Quality Manager (see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMTestAutomationAdapterAPI#Resource_Definition).
The OSLC Automation API is used to integrate test automation tools with Rational Quality Manager (see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMTestAutomationAdapterAPI#Resource_Definition).