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RTC compare errors- Compare editor not initialized

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked Jul 25 '13, 6:22 p.m.
retagged Aug 14 '13, 12:31 p.m. by Te-Hsin Shih (2854)

We are starting to use RTC 4.0.3 and came accross and issue when doing a compare.

The RTC Ecplise client is installed on a RedHat 6.4 box and the user  remotes into it using Mobaxterm. In RTC client he changed a file in his sandbox and tried to do a compare of his local file to that in the repository only for it to fial with a popup "Compare editor not initialized" 

Is there some additional config required in order to do a diff?

The RTC setup is the default install and we have not defined any external diff tools to use.


Surya Tripathi commented Jul 30 '13, 2:39 p.m.

How did you initiate compare?
Could you please send the eclipse log?

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