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Change server name in invitation mail?

Ulf Buchner (3182213) | asked Jan 08 '09, 5:21 a.m.
Hi All,

I've been searching like a fool, but didn't find the answer to my following question:

Where can I change the server name that is used in the invitation mail? By default it is or localhost:

userName=Ulf Bchner
teamAreaPath=/EGLTest Team

The weird thing is, I've already been able to change it once, when I configured our company Jazz server a month ago, but I forgot how to do it :roll:


Ulf Bchner
Synobsys Netherlands

8 answers

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Daniel Kogan (51) | answered Jan 08 '09, 12:04 p.m.
Please try Jazz Web UI Admin page.

http:/<yourserver>/jazz/ (

Dan Kogan
Jazz Server team

Hi All,

I've been searching like a fool, but didn't find the answer to my following question:

Where can I change the server name that is used in the invitation mail? By default it is or localhost:

userName=Ulf Bchner
teamAreaPath=/EGLTest Team

The weird thing is, I've already been able to change it once, when I configured our company Jazz server a month ago, but I forgot how to do it :roll:


Ulf Bchner
Synobsys Netherlands

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Ulf Buchner (3182213) | answered Jan 09 '09, 3:30 a.m.
Yep, that's the place where I would expect it to be...but I can't find it... :?

Our server, which is mentioned in the email, is dagobert.synobsys.local. But there is no setting where this name is specified.

(see the link to the PDF which is a printout of the Advanced Properties page.


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Darin Swanson (3161) | answered Jan 09 '09, 6:38 p.m.
Which version are you using?

In 1.0.1. there should be a listing under Core Repository Component for the

Jazz Process Team

"ubuchner" <ubuchner> wrote in message
Yep, that's the place where I would expect it to be...but I can't find
it... :?

Our server, which is mentioned in the email, is
dagobert.synobsys.local. But there is no setting where this name is

(see the link to the PDF which is a printout of the Advanced
Properties page.


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Ulf Buchner (3182213) | answered Jan 12 '09, 4:22 a.m.
I use the RTC Standard Windows version 1.0.1 (I20081024-1335)

The internal mailer service listing is indeed there, but there's no option to change the Jazz server name, only the SMTP server name.

See the image below.

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Ulf Buchner (3182213) | answered Jan 12 '09, 8:25 a.m.
It seems that Jazz takes care of the name itself during setup...somehow this went wrong, resulting in localhost as the servername. Re-installing and running setup again resulted in the correct server name in the email.

Still, thanks for your help.

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John Doran (9182) | answered Jan 14 '09, 7:24 p.m.
I am having this same problem.

My invitation emails are showing


where swentprod is the computer's name.

Also when I log into Jazz through the web UI,

It replaces the domain name with the computer name

to https://swentprod:9443/jazz/admin

I tried reinstalling from scratch but it hasn't helped yet.
Were there any extra steps that you took to resolve your problem?

I am using RTC-Standard-Full-1.0.1-Win-Web.exe

and Windows 2003 Server Standard

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Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Jan 14 '09, 9:38 p.m.
In the Admin web UI, on the Advanced properties page, there is a setting
for "repo url" that you can use to force Jazz/RTC to know the correct
name of the server.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 00:27 +0000, jdoran wrote:
I am having this same problem.

My invitation emails are showing


where swentprod is the computer's name.

Also when I log into Jazz through the web UI,

It replaces the domain name with the computer name

to https://swentprod:9443/jazz/admin

I tried reinstalling from scratch but it hasn't helped yet.
Were there any extra steps that you took to resolve your problem?

I am using RTC-Standard-Full-1.0.1-Win-Web.exe

and Windows 2003 Server Standard

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John Doran (9182) | answered Jan 14 '09, 11:02 p.m.
Thank you for the very fast reply!!!

I changed the property Host Name under

under the Advanced Properties page. That seems to do the trick.

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