How to copy requirements and test cases from one project to another.
3 answers
Use copy utility to copy test cases, scripts, plans from one project area to another:
You can download this utility from the below link:
Best Regards
- Does not allow for copying CLM links such as Requirement, Work Item, or Plan Item links. CLM linking is only supported in the OSLC QM API
1 vote
I've downloaded the tool but I haven't been able to run it. Where I'm having some issues is with the URL part for the projects since the name of the projects has some spaces and also a '; Is there a way where I can see how the name is on RQ or a alias to use it?
Try this
Replace hostname and port with your server info.
This would give you the alias name of your RQM project areas.
Best Regards
Thanks I'll try it
Another option is to use ReqIF files; in the CLM 4.0.1 InfoCenter see Importing and exporting ReqIF files
Felipe Hernandez
Jul 20 '13, 5:53 p.m.Thanks everyone for your Ideas, I'll try the RQM Copy Utility, is there something similar to copy requirements?
Stef van Dijk
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 19 '13, 11:52 a.m.In addition to Bas' answer (either using CSV or ReqIF), you can also use project templates to copy information from an existing project to create a new project:
Managing requirements project templates
But the suggestion to use either CSV or ReqIF is the most flexible.