JazzMon issues found for non US locale and Excel 2007
After playing around some hours with JazzMon in a non US locale (German) and Office 2007 I found the following issues (using JazzMon_1.4.0_RTC30GA).
That are not major problems (I could fix everything) but perhaps this info will be helpful for other users.
1) Start the monitoring and analyzing always with US locales (otherwise there are problems with “,” and “.” for floating values)
java -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US -jar JazzMon.jar monitor/analyze
and use the variable "ANALYSIS_EURO_LOCALE=TRUE" in the config file
2) JazzMonVisualizer is searching for a Ecxel sheet “Sheet1". Unfortunately the default sheet is named “Tabelle1” in a German Excel. Using “Sheets(1).Select” instead of “Sheets(“Sheet1”).Select” in the macro will solve the problem for all locales
3) The (not) IncludeBaseline doesn’t work. It seems that Excel 2007 isn’t able to create charts from 2 Ranges with a gap between them correctly. It always uses the whole range (Start from range1, end from range2)
By the way: For me it looks, that the logic for this switch isn’t correct (colBaseline should be “B” if includeBaseline is “true”, so the “Not” is wrong)
colBaseline = "A"
If Not includeBaseline Then colBaseline = "B"
4) When there is an analyze without baseline and “3)” is working correctly, one of following values must be set (otherwise column “B” will not be included to the chart):
IncludeBaseline = True or StartDataColumn = “B”
One answer
JazzForum: JazzMon exception in analyze stage due to locale handling of decimal place (252556)